Derby Day 2018, Enjoyed by Hundreds
In an effort to help support our efforts and expand our facilities and services, we have held a “Derby Day Run for the Roses” fundraiser for over 20 years on the first Saturday in May at the WV State Fair Grounds.
Hundreds of participants and many local businesses supported the effort, and enjoyed fantastic food, live music & entertainment, a fruitful silent auction, the Kentucky Derby on large-screen TVs throughout the venue, a Spectacular Hat Contest, raffles, door prizes, and more!
Justify took the crown at the Derby in a spectacular show of strength and determination in the most exciting two minutes in sports.
The Spectacular Hat Contest, a fan favorite, saw lavish and fun hats on display. Shirley Baker took 4th Place, Robin Loudermilk took 3rd, Penny Curtis, 2nd, and the winner this year was Alisha Trout.
Thank you to all for your support! We can’t wait to see you next year!

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